Root, Powdered, 5 Gr from South Africa (SKU 3380)
Top quality “White” African Dreamroot, finely powdered. Wildharvested from mature plants, in Eastern Cape, South Africa.
Silene capensis is native to the river valleys of the eastern cape province of South Africa. This obscure flowering species is regarded by local shamans as a type of “Ubulawu” or medicinal root that they call “Undlela Ziimhlophe”, which translates literally as “White paths” or “White ways”. Its root is traditionally used to induce vivid (and according to the Xhosa, prophetic) lucid dreaming, classifying it a naturally-occurring oneirogen similar to the more well-known dream herb Calea (Calea zacatechichi). The plant exerts only minimal alterations in waking consciousness, yet the effects upon the dream state can be profound.
Other names: Silene capensis, Silene undulata, African Dream Root, Undlela Ziimphlophe (Xhosa)