Acid Trips and Chemistry


Acid Trips and Chemistry by Cam Cloud.

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Acid – the chemical also known as LSD-25 – is among the most powerful mind-altering substances known to science. An unprecedented tool for spiritual and psychological exploration, acid takes effect after only a microscopic amount is ingested. Yet most people know very little about this influential molecule. Exhaustively researched, ‘Acid trips and chemistry’ cuts through the confusion and delivers the facts about:

  • Chemical formulas
  • The causes of a bad trip
  • What factors influence a trip
  • Acid’s spiritual and creative effects
  • Plant sources of LSD-like chemicals
  • The myth of “bad” acid
  • The law and acid

‘Acid Trips And Chemistry’ also tells about the ergot fungus that underground chemists use to manufacture acid, along with how scientists cultivate ergot, process it to extract chemicals, and transform chemicals into LSD.